An Anniversary

It's hard to believe but the anniversary of Pulse Nightclub is here already.  A year ago everything was so different.  In my life,  in many people's lives and especially anyone who lost family due to the senseless act.
The fact that this senseless act happened here in Florida, literally right in my backyard hit hard.  Living a few hours away from where such a mass shooting happened was to say the least frightening.

It made me fear not only my safety but the safety of my now 15 year old daughter.  She is growing up and getting older and surely she cant stay by my side forever.  I am going to have to let her out into this great big world.  No matter how much I fear it.  Last year a few days after the shooting happened, my daughter was scheduled to go to a concert in Tampa. I was afraid of course, but I let her go.  Thankfully she is good on keeping in touch with me via text and she let me know every few hours that she was okay.  The day came and went and everything was fine.  This time, but one day it may not be.
  This senseless act could of happened there at my daughters concert or anywhere.  Just recently we heard that another incident took place in Manchester at a concert and there were many fatalities. There were many kids my daughters age at the concert and heartbreakingly those were many of the fatalities.
So as a year anniversary of the pulse nightclub shooting comes and goes, maybe we ALL can do our part not to live in this world and hate but instead to see the beauty of each individual that crosses our paths.  And to show love, lots of love, its a nice thing.


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